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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

Current projects

Funded by Irish Aid

uganda nutrition
NOURISH (Nature-based Opportunities Underpinning Resilient and Sustainable Households, 2023-2027)

NOURISH is a long-term development programme to reduce poverty and hunger in vulnerable households and communities in Mauritania, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Uganda and Tanzania. The programme aims to ensure that vulnerable children are well-nourished in climate-resilient households by putting emphasis on livelihoods and economic empowerment for women and engaging with men and boys to transform attitudes and norms on gender and inclusion.

welcome in south sudan
EMPOWER! (Enabling Meaningful Participation of Women and girls for Essential Rights, 2023-2027)

EMPOWER! is World Vision Ireland’s Chronic Humanitarian Crises programme which aims to protect and empower the most vulnerable women and girls in fragile contexts in Somalia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Syria. Emphasis is placed on education  and child protection services, economic empowerment, community protection networks and transforming attitudes and norms on gender and inclusion.

 Ator collects buckets of water to irrigate her village's farm
RISE (Responding Immediately to Sudden Emergencies, 2023-2027)

Through Irish Aid’s Acute Crisis Stream, prepositioned funding allows World Vision to quickly respond to rapid-onset disasters such as floods or earthquakes, and acute chronic crises, such as conflict or drought.  We provide lifesaving support based on the needs of the affected populations; this can include emergency health services, water and sanitation, non-food items, protection services or livelihood assistance.

Funded by the European Union

 Julieta planting a new culture of cassava resistant to drought
ARDHI Tanga (Accelerating Reforestation for the Development of Households In Tanga, 2024 - 2027)

The ARDHI Tanga project aims to promote sustainable forest management and wood-fuel production in Tanzania through enhanced natural resource management and sustainable wood-fuel value chains. 

PEACE Mindanao (Promoting Efforts Addressing Conflict through Education in Mindanao, 2023 - 2026)

World Vision Ireland recognises the active role children can play as agents of peace. Building on the Empowering Children as Peacebuilders (ECaP) project model, the project aims to build peaceful and cohesive communities in the Philippines. Working closely with government ministries and other stakeholders, the project aims to increase children’s capacity and confidence as peace ambassadors.

Children in Lesotho
CVAVAC (Citizen Voices Addressing Violence Against Children, 2021 - 2024)

The CVAVAC project uses the Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) project model to engage stakeholders through policy influencing advocacy initiatives, information dissemination and behaviour change messaging on protection issues children face in the justice sector in Lesotho. The project aims to empower communities to advocate for improvements of service delivery, particularly relating to child rights and violence against children. 

Other donors

somalia wfp
UN and WFP funding
Private funding
Sponsorship funding

Along with our Emergency Aid work, World Vision focuses on long-term development and World Vision Ireland has an active partnership with five Area Programmes (APs) across three nations: Tanzania, Uganda and Nepal.

Past projects

Sauti members are doing a hand sign.
SAUTI Youth (Sustainable Accountability Uniting Tanzanian and Irish Youth, 2020 - 2023)
Coming soon
uganda kapaapi health clinic
AIM Health (Access Infant and Maternal Health, 2011 - 2022)
Coming soon
Child friendly space in Somalia
HPP (Humanitarian Programme Plan, 2011-2022)
Coming soon
World Vision staff member waves with his back to camera in front of a crowd of people
ERFS (Emergency Response Funds Scheme, 2016 - 2022)
Coming soon
EBODAC (Ebola vaccine Deployment, Acceptance and Compliance, 2014-2020)

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world