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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

World Vision has a long history of taking action that transforms the world. Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.

Together, with supporters like you, we’ve helped millions of children and families out of poverty and are often among the first to help when a crisis strikes.


We help children

As a Christian charity, we help children – of all faiths and none - in some of the world's most dangerous places. We believe it takes a whole community to create happy and fulfilling childhoods. And we work together with communities so they're empowered to do just that.

Our integrated approach includes water, healthcare, education, child protection, and income generation. With the aim of allowing every child to fulfil their God-given potential.

Across almost 100 countries, our impassioned community of supporters, volunteers and community leaders work together to transform children's lives. Together, we will never give up.

Focusing on the most vulnerable

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Responding to emergencies, from earthquakes to civil war.

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In 2022, we helped more than 29m people in emergencies
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Empowering children and families in extreme poverty

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In almost 100 countries, working to end poverty
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Protecting children from abuse and exploitation

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Challenge all forms of abuse and exploitation, from child marriage to FGM

How we're different

Who we are_Community Led


We know that communities have the best understanding of their own struggles. And often they also have the best idea of how to achieve their dreams. We simply listen - and give the tools and training for communities to deliver those dreams, transforming the lives of children and their parents. We're most known for Child Sponsorship which funds a lot of our community development work.

Who we are_Child Focused


We know that changing a child's life can transform a family, a community and an entire area. In all we do, we work towards children’s complete wellbeing, helping them to overcome poverty and get the education they often long for. It is these children who go on to become the doctors, teachers and engineers of the future; they who will stop future generations ending up in poverty.

Who we are_Faith Based


Inspired by our Christian faith, we help all children - of all faiths and none - even in the most dangerous places. We strive to protect God's creation and demonstrate God's love. We fight to make sure every child reaches their God given potential.

Who we are

World Vision Ireland is a member of the World Vision Partnership. We couldn't do what we do without our supporters, partners, volunteers and employees across the world.

Join the World Vision family

Learn more about World Vision's work, and how you can help.

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world