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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

Leaving a gift in your Will can be incredibly powerful, and has a transformative impact on vulnerable children.

Here are some questions you might want the answers to. If you'd like to talk with one of the team, please get in touch.


Can I talk to someone about leaving a legacy?

Call member of our team on 01 498 0800 for help and advice. They are not legal or financial advisers, but they can explain how a gift in your will can help our vital work with children, the various types of gifts that you can include in your will and their benefits.

Why do I need a Will?

Making a Will means you can control what happens to your money and property after you die and appoint an executor to deal with your affairs in the event of your death. If you die without a valid Will your estate will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, which would mean that only your nearest family would benefit. However, the division between your close family under the intestacy rules may not be what you would have wanted and other family members, friends and favourite causes you might want to benefit would receive nothing. It could also lead to an unwanted and unavoidable tax bill on your death.

Can I chose what my gift is spent on?

The legacies we receive are usually unrestricted gifts, allowing us to use the funds wherever the need is greatest at that particular time. However, we also gladly accept gifts for an area of our work that is close to your heart.

I want to leave a gift to World Vision, but how will my family feel?

We understand that family and friends come first. All we ask is that you consider leaving us a share of whatever is left in your estate once all your specific wishes have been carried out.

How can I be sure my money gets to those in need?

World Vision only works within countries where we have our own offices so we can be sure that we can account for all the money that we receive and how it is used. We have audited accounts that are publicly available at any time. As a charity, we're regulated by the Charities Regulator – a legal body, which oversees all Irish charities and their activities. We are a not-for-profit organisation, and we know that the continued support we receive is dependent on our efficient use of supporters’ money. See our Annual Reports here.

I want to leave a gift to World Vision, what do I tell my solicitor?

We strongly advise that you use a qualified solicitor to amend an existing will or to include a gift in a new will. Our legacy brochure, contains some suggested wording you could take to your solicitor. Find our Gift in Wills Guide here or call 01 498 0800

Can I leave a gift to my sponsored child in my Will?

World Vision Child Sponsorship works by changing a child’s life through changing the world in which they live. Sponsorship brings change to more than just one child — the benefits you help provide extend to each child’s family, their community, and other children in need. Naming your sponsored child in your will is not recommended as children and their families may leave the area and no longer be participating in the programme. Please call us on 01 498 0800 so that we can advise you further.

Isn't this a private matter?

Yes. Your will is a very private document and you’re not under any obligation to tell us anything. Of course, if you do want to let us know your intentions, we would love to hear from you so that we can thank you for your generosity. Please call us on 01 498 0800 to request a legacy brochure.

Do you have any resources for legacies and Wills?

Yes. We have information you can give to your solicitors and executors, you can download our World Vision codicil and download a form to continue your child sponsorship after death.

What does World Vision spend the money on?

World Vision has helped millions of children and families out of poverty and we are often first on the ground when a crisis strikes. Our integrated approach includes water, healthcare, education, child protection, and income generation. Our approach allows every child to fulfil their God-given potential. If you'd like more information, read how donations are spent.

More questions or just want to chat things over?

You can send a message, email us at, or call us on 01 498 0800

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world