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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

This report was commissioned by World Vision’s Global Hunger Response to assess the impact of food ration cuts on children, families, and communities. Understanding the effects of food ration cuts is crucial for informing humanitarian interventions and policies aimed at mitigating the adverse consequences experienced by vulnerable populations, particularly children and families already facing significant challenges. 

The report combines desk research with quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in early 2024 in six countries where World Vision works. Targeted communities were selected based on their exposure to food ration cuts: families in Badghis, Afghanistan; Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh; a mix of displaced, host, and refugee families in Demba (Kasais) and Tanganyika in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon; host and displaced families in Somalia; and refugees in Bidi Bidi refugee settlement in Uganda.

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