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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

The Triple Nexus approach offers a framework reorienting humanitarian, development and peace activities and organisations away from siloes towards collective outcomes and effectiveness. 

World Vision Ireland was awarded two grant-funded programmes under Ireland’s Civil Society Partnership for a Better World (NOURISH and EMPOWER!) and one European Union (PEACE-Mindanao) project starting in January 2023. The programmes implemented across 10 National Offices all include a commitment to address the nexus and apply an adaptive nexus management approach. 

World Vision Ireland and JRNY Consulting have embarked on a transformative five-year partnership with a vision to foster a shared learning experience generating knowledge to strengthen organisational capacity and champion effective nexus programming approaches.

This first learning paper is for anyone connected to the humanitarian, development and peace sectors asking what organisations and teams are learning about the Nexus, what it means in practice, and how we know if it is of value. World Vision Ireland and programme teams, across 10 National Offices in the World Vision Partnership, have been contending with these questions. This is the start of a learning journey that presents successes and failures and an open call for more collaboration on moving the Nexus forward.

Related stories and publications

Kids are smiling

Navigating the Nexus

A World Vision International case study from the Democratic Republic of Congo

A women with two childrens

A brighter future for children

A World Vision International working paper about our programming approach in fragile contexts

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world